Month: September, 2021

Why Go To Space – An Editorial

With the Inspiration4 mission in the books, hot on the heels of Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic launching their first crewed missions, we’ve seen a bit of a backlash against this new space race. So today I just wanted to share my opinion on why space travel is important and the framing we’ve seen around these flights and these companies is misguided.

All opinions are mine (as of this recording anyway). Disagreements welcome.

Historical Figures That May Not Have Existed

Ancient history is as much myth as it is history. So it’s sometimes hard to know who from our history was real or just a mythical character in stories. Here’s a few that are worth taking a look at.



5 Reasons The Victorian Era Was Utter Insanity

The Victorian Era was an age of new discoveries and technologies that changed everything about the way we live. It basically created the modern world as we know it. But that time of transition also led to some very, very weird ideas and dangers that seem baffling today.

The Future of War

War has been a part of the human experience since the beginning of civilization. But new technologies are changing the face of warfare in ways that we never really expected. From cyberwarfare to autonomous AI-piloted drones to space warfare, the future of war is weird. And terrifying.

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