Tag: answers with joe

Halloween Livestream: A Virtual Reading Of An Old Horror Script

Since we’re all kinda stuck in our homes this Halloween, I thought it might be fun to read an old horror script I wrote called, Lavender: A Ghost Story.

It’ll be a fun hangout with some actor, filmmaker, and YouTuber friends. Come join us!

How Will Your Body Spend Eternity?

The funeral industry is a $16 billion industry that has an enormous environmental footprint. The numbers are staggering, really. But there are options that we can make that can change that. It just requires us to think about some pretty heavy stuff.

The Most Mysterious Place On Earth?

The Bermuda Triangle has held our collective attention for decades. This area of the ocean is blamed for countless missing ships and planes, spawning theories as wide-ranging as time/space vortexes, methane bubbles, the City of Atlantis, and, of course, aliens.

But is there a rational explanation for all the weird phenomena reported in the Bermuda Triangle, or is it more of a pop culture phenomenon? Let’s take a look.

The Origin Of The Universe Just Got WAY Weirder

The Big Bang has been the accepted theory about the beginning of the universe for so long, you might think we’ve worked out all the kinks in it. But there are several issues with the Big Bang Theory, which has caused some cosmologists to turn to alternative ideas.

The Ekpyrotic Universe, based on string theory, is one of those ideas. And it’s super weird.

The 5 Worst Cults Of All Time

What makes a person join a cult? What makes a person give up their families, their life savings, even take their own lives in the service of a cult? We often think of cult members as weak-minded or sheep, but the fact is, cults work by employing psychological tactics that work on everybody. And that may be the scariest thing about them.

The Quantum Theory That Might Make You Immortal

Quantum physics is dominated by the idea that quantum objects remain in superposition until thy are measured, which causes its wave function to collapse.
But there is another interpretation of quantum mechanics, one with mind-blowing implications about the universe and our lives. It’s the many worlds interpretation, and some believe it imbues us with a kind of immortality.

Solid State Wind Energy

A recent paper has made some waves theorizing a way to generate wind energy with no moving parts. I spoke with the author of the paper and break down how it works, with a bit of a reality check.

Is This The End Of Capitalism?

It’s a term you’ve probably heard a lot. Late Stage Capitalism. People use it to describe the absurdities and wild inequalities of the world today. But what is it exactly, and are we really living in it? And if so, what comes next?

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