Month: December, 2020

Outtakes: AKA My Slow Descent Into Madness

I screw up. A lot. Here’s a short collection of bloopers from the last couple of years on the channel. (Yes, some of these dip into 2019. Whatever just enjoy them.)

Thanks for a great year!
(I mean not great, obviously, but, well, you know what I mean.)

The Smartest Animals In The World

Animal intelligence is a subject of much debate, but new studies have shown that in many ways, animals are much smarter than we give them credit for, and have entirely different kind of intelligence than we understand.

Could This Plane Save The World? (Hint: No.)

‘ve gotten a slew of requests for a video about the Celera 500L from Otto Aviation, a plane that uses a unique design to create laminar flow over the surface, resulting in incredible efficiency. The hype around this plane is through the roof, with many saying it could disrupt the airline industry. While I think it’s a really cool plane, I am skeptical of the biggest claims around it, so here’s my hot take.

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